Chemistry-technological faculty | Karakalpak state university

Chemistry-technological faculty



Dean chemistry-technological faculty:

Nurimbetov Baxtiyar Chimbergenovich



  1. Chair of the general and organic chemistry
  2. Chair physical and colloidal chemistry
  3. Chair Chemistry-technology

History of chemistry-technological faculty

The Chemistry-technological faculty is one of exemplary faculties of university of preparing bachelors and the masters owning strong knowledge in chemistry and technology.

At the faculty all conditions for getting of higher education and scientific activity are created. In chemical laboratories there are the latest devices and material means for carrying out of laboratory researches.

For today at chemistry-technological faculty students get education 608. For mastering by secrets of sciences and for preparation of final qualifying work in practice, students fix the received knowledge on a contractual basis together with scientific research institute of Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan, with open joint-stock companies «Navoi nitrogen» and with unitary enterprise «Kungrad soda factory».

Education system:

Bachelor degree directions:

  1. 5140500 – Chemistry
  2. 5320400 – Chemical technology (by manufacture kinds)

5321000 – Technology of the food industry (meat, dairy and canned products)


Magistracy speciality (on a speciality)

  1. 5А140501 – chemistry


Professor teaching staff – 33

Candidates of science – 14

Doctor – 1


Chemistry, chemical technology

Scientific base

Laboratory of chemistry and chemical technology

Useful links